Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Don't touch me

The last few months have been a little hectic. We started a remodel that keeps getting sidelined. Nate's been traveling a lot for work, and it's high season for family social engagements.

Here we are approaching Christmas at an alarming rate, and I just cannot psych myself up for it. When people ask me what I want for Christmas, I respond with one of two answers:

"A new roof," or, "A day with no one touching me." I'm a joy to be around, what can I say.

There has been knitting, but pictures will have to wait until the gifts are received. I broke my own rule of no knitted gifts this year. I thought it might help me enjoy the season, rather then stress through it. It did help. I only made a few things that I'm confident will be well received.

Most of my shopping is done, but not all, which I'm sure shocks Cara the most. Usually I have a plan and most of my shopping wrapped up by Dec 1st.

Here's hoping I stumble upon the true joy of the season as I scramble to meet all commitments. Being an adult is hard, yo.

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